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Temàtica: Comunicació i Sociologia

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International Conference on social E-xperiences... Amalia Creus, Sandra Sanz


This book is a compilation of the works presented on Network 1 of the BCN Meeting 2012 International Congress: Communication and Learning in the Digital Age, held in Barcelona in July 2012.
The Network opened an space for researchers, teachers, professionals and doctorate students from many countries around the world to discuss contemporary social experiences connected to the use of communication and information technologies, especially those referring to new ways and strategies of generating and sharing knowledge.
During the conference we were all challenged to think more creatively about ways to understand, explore and study the processes of social change that come with digitalisation, the emergence of social media and the so-called web 2.0.
The works that make up this online publication contribute to enriching our understanding of such relevant questions as What are the relationships between communication and learning? Can audiovisual technologies promote creativity in education?
Are participatory culture and virtual communities generating new ways of creating and exchanging knowledge? What opportunities open up at the intersection between games and e-learning? and other questions.

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Pdf 30.00 €

International Journal of McLuhan Studies Matteo Ciastellardi (ed.)


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Paper 18.00 €
Epub 9.49 €
Pdf 18.00 €

International Journal of McLuhan Studies 2011-2012 Matteo Ciastellardi


Understanding Media, Today. McLuhan in the Era of Convergence Culture

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Paper 18.00 €
Epub 9.49 €
Pdf 18.00 €

McLuhan Galaxy Conference AAVV


The main objective of this book is to offer the reader the Proceedings of the International Conference McLuhan Galaxy Barcelona 2011 in which McLuhan's ideas are recovered and confronted with the current media ecosystem. More than a hundred academics from different countries - from Argentina to Estonia, from South Africa to Turkey, from Canada to Italy - met in Barcelona in 2011 to discuss and develop an updated view of Marshall McLuhan's contributions to the study of communication in The 21st century. Here are the final results.

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Paper 24.00 €
Pdf 24.00 €

McLuhan Galaxy Conference Varios autores


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Paper 24.00 €
Pdf 24.00 €

Elements 1 a 5 d'un total de 5